SCI-FI Library 10th Anniversary

UiO: Realfagsbiblioteket Vilhelm Bjerknes Hus, Oslo, Norway

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Science Fiction collections at the UiO Science Library, with an exhibition designed by CoFUTURES in association with the UiO science library and events celebrating the link between science, science fiction, and creativity. Arranged by the Science Library.

Alternative Futures – The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Drammensveien 78, Oslo, Norway

As we face an increasing set of intertwined crises—from climate change to economic, social, and political upheaval across the world—is there a need for new imaginations of alternative futures?

Språk og stillhet Hannah Gibson og Ida Hadjivayanis

Litteraturhuset , Norway

Av de 54 landene i Afrika er engelsk offisielt språk i 27, mens 21 land har fransk som offisielt språk. De aller færreste har likevel et av de tidligere kolonispråkene som morsmål. Konsekvensen er at mange får dårligere muligheter både i et utdanningssystem og jobbmarked basert på et språk de ikke behersker til fulle, og […]

Beyond Barcode: Exhibition Opening

Interkulturelt Museum Tøyenbekken 5, Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Exhibition Opening Beyond Barcode: Experiments in Radical Futures More details TBA  

Chiara Cigarini: Tales of (technological) anomalies: Chinese SF’s re-enchantment


Tales of (technological) anomalies: Chinese SF's re-enchantment Dr. Chiara Cigarini is a lecturer in Chinese Studies, a translator, and Postdoctoral Fellow at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She received her PhD at Beijing Normal University, with a project focused on contemporary Chinese SF. In China, she collaborates w/the Research Center for Science and Human Imagination […]

CoFUTURES Conference 2023: Community Speculations and Technopolitics


CoFUTURES 2023: “Community Speculations and Technopolitics” is dedicated to ideas of community: How and why do communities come together, enact, and utilize speculative methods to rethink the world? What kinds of technologies and what kinds of politics come together to allow or necessitate the formation of communities? In the last two decades, Future-oriented movements and communities […]